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The New Jersey Obstetrical & Gynecological Society is an elite group of dedicated obstetricians and gynecologists who practice in the State of New Jersey. Since 1947, NJOGS has been the cohesive force that unites us. With almost 400 members, and growing strong, we are a force to be reckoned with. You know that you can’t “fight the system” alone. We know this, too.


NJOGS Job Board
For job seekers and employers in the OB/GYN field, visit our NJOGS career website. Post a job, share your resume, and browse available positions in the region.

NJOGS Semi-Annual Meeting: Friday, November 8, 2024, East Windsor, NJ
Join NJOGS leadership, fellow doctors, medical students, and exhibitors on Friday, November 8, 2024. Register here

Friday, November 8, 2024
         NJOGS Semi-Annual Meeting



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Web Links

Web Links
The Internet is a tremendous resource for physicians. NJOGS is aware of this and has selected this page as a reference point for our membership. Just a simple “click” on any of the items below will transport you to the appropriate website for more information.

American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American Medical Association

Medical Society of New Jersey

Physician’s Desk Reference

Recent NJOGS Accomplishments

  • 7/20 repeal of United Healthcare requirement of pre-certs for vaginal cultures with help from ACOG
  • 7/19 repeal of mandate from Blue Cross of NJ requiring pre-certs for all ultrasounds. (This would place inordinate strain on the practice of all primary care doctors and potentially harm patients.)
  • 2016-present. Establishment of a maternal health awareness day and development of outreach in partnership with ACOG
  • Establishment of sanity in convincing managed care to pay for yearly mammograms. 
  • Helped to extend Medicaid coverage to one year after delivery 
  • Sanity in defining mandatory courses and limiting infringement on practicing physicians 
  • Helped in establishing laws allowing Breast ultrasound and MRI without undo harassment 
  • Work on preventing restrictions on brac and lynch testing 
  • Work with legislators to prevent undue restrictions on physicians practicing medicine 
  • During our annual legislative meeting, we hosted Congressmen Pallone and Lance.  We also enlisted legislators Bramnick, Conaway, Singleton, and Munoz to help pass bipartisan legislation that enables physicians to practice unencumbered

Recent NJOGS



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